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Self Development

To celebrate episode #500 and over 2 million total downloads, we flip the tables to get Mike Montague’s top lessons learned from hosting the show!


Mike Montague interviews Ryan Bennett on How to Succeed at Creating an Intentional Day.


Mike Montague interviews Michael Coles on How to Succeed at Getting Tough.


Mike Montague interviews Alan Stein Jr. on How to Succeed at Raising Your Game. Performance coach Alan Stein Jr. shares the secret principles used by world-class performers that will help you improve your productivity and achieve higher levels of success.


Mike Montague interviews Beth Weissenberger on How to Succeed at Personal Integrity.

There is nothing more exciting than an "up from the ashes" success story. We'd all like to start on top, stay on top, end on top, and forever be on top…but that's not usually how it works. Success is generally not a "point A to point B" journey. Instead, it's messy. We go backward, then forward, and too often, sideways. It's the Hero's Journey, right? Dream, struggle, victory. Every great story follows that arc.

Amid a global pandemic, business leaders have faced unprecedented challenges. Many industries have been slowed or have stalled significantly. Business travel, conferences, and face-to-face meetings have been at a standstill. What was once commonplace and taken for granted is now something that is a pleasant, yet fleeting, memory.

There have been other events that impacted business for a time. Think 9/11, 2008, and Black Friday. However, this event has been uniquely different in that it's affecting all parts of our lives. Business professionals are navigating these more challenging waters while being concerned about their health and their family's health. Many are playing teacher and tutor. Business is tough, but navigating through this has proven to be just as tricky in your personal life.

It's time, for many, for a good 'ole fashioned, up-from-the-bootstraps comeback. How many are ready for a I'm-sick-and-tired-of-being-sick-and-tired moment? We need to rise. To scratch and claw. Remember why we are doing what we do in the first place…and a plan to stage the most remarkable comeback of our career.

Joe Madden, then the manager of the Tampa Bay Rays, was being interviewed by a member of the media. Somewhere near the end of the interview, the reporter asked a great question.  

Mike Montague interviews Jaclyn Schiff on How to Succeed at Podcast Marketing In this episode:


By state laws, workers in certain fields must have a certification or a license. Makes sense.